Common Ground - Synthesis of Biology
Overcoming adversity, one meta-questioning framework at a time.
Genetic Content:
Data – Unique ORF(open reading frame) identifiers, Gene product function or name, Gene symbol, Enzyme commision number, and Cellular location of gene product.
Databases and Algorithms- Entrex Gene, BioCyc, RegulonDB, GOLD, KEGG, Microbes online, SEED, UniProtKB, IMG
Active Enzymes:
Data – Subunit composition, Protein complex composition, and Enzyme symbols.
Databases and Algorithms – BRENDA, KEGG, MetaCyc, Primary Literature, TransportDB
Network Reactions:
Data – Metabolite stoichiometry, Co-factor specificity, Substrate specificity, Directionality or reversibility, and Cellular location.
Databases and Algorithms – KEGG, BRENDA, MetaCyc, Published Literature, PSORTdb, PubChem, Entrez Gene, UniPortKB, TransportDB
Automated Reconstruction Tools:
Databases and Algorithms – Model SEED, MetaCyc pathway tools, Grow match, RAVEN
Math Modeling
Submodels – GIMMIE, iMat, MBA, INIT
Biochemical Genetic and Genomic (BiGG) Database
Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics
Machine Learning
Databases and Algorithms – SMILEY, SEED, ADOMETA, GapFill, Grow match, OMNI, Pathologic
Databases and Algorithms – AlphaFold2, AutoDock Suite, LZerd Protein Docking Suite